German shepherd dog club of america - resources for people with german shepherd dogs and puppies - german shepherd information - german shepherd dogs - german shepherd puppies - german shepherd breeders -education about german shepherd dogs - links to medical and training resources - upcoming events for german shepherds. A police dog, known in some english-speaking countries as a "k-9" or "k9" (a homophone of "canine"), is a dog that is specifically trained to assist police and other law-enforcement personnel.. Guard dog training and selection for protection dogs and family watch dogs. also learn what is takes to excel in the sport of schutzhund dog training. which dog breed makes the best guard dog?.
Today, we only breed the best of the best, all black, 100% german stock, working dog lines. all our breeding animals are fully titled (schh3/ipo3, all kkl1 and all are v rated).. We would recommend julia mcdonough’s training services to anyone with a dog – problem behaviors or not. we sought julia’s help to teach our 6 month german shorthair pointer how to walk on a loose leash.. What is the nothing in life is free program? nilif is a simple and effective way to control our dog’s behavior, by controlling his most desired resources.. to implement nilif, all we have to do is ask our dog to do something for us first, before giving him something in return..