how to potty train my pet rat
Question: can i litter train my pet rats? answer: rats are pretty clean animals so it is certainly worth a try. however, as with other pet rodents,. Litter box training: how to potty train your rat i guess you could say my method gets rats to potty train i will definitely try if i get another pet rat.. Pet rats - taming, teaching and training rats! potty/toilet training your rats. i think the hardest thing to train your rat is toilet/potty/litter training..
How can i potty train my rats? step 5. if you see your pet rat "missing the target" you can try to move them, or at the very least,. How do you potty train a rat? can i potty train my pet rat? more questions. i bought a potty trained rat? potty train pet rats? good cages? answer. How to potty train pet rats. pet rats are quite hygienic and typically choose one spot to use as a lavatory. this characteristic makes them fairly easy to potty train.